
John Sutherland – Team Development in the Real World

Jens Düing

Jens Düing
Senior Partner

John Sutherland – Team Development in the Real World

Episode 5

In the fifth episode of How to Scale we focus on the glue that holds everything together and serves as the secret sauce to success for any business, especially at the Scale-Up phase – teamwork. Host Jens Düing speaks to Operating Partner and ‘in-house psychologist’ at Frog Capital, John Sutherland.

John is one of Frog’s Operating Partners and is a specialist leadership team development consultant. He works with the companies Frog invests in to assess their senior teams, assist with new key hires and develop team culture.

In our conversation we discuss the common pitfalls in team development and what strong teams do to address them. We cover topics including diversity, dealing with different styles and approaches, and how leaders can evaluate their own behaviour, team dynamics and the fit with the business strategy and purpose continuously.

You can find more content from John as well as many other Scale-Up Insights & Toolkits from our other Frog operating partners here.


This is an episode of ‘How to Scale’, the podcast focused on helping purpose-led software companies to successfully Scale-Up hosted by Jens Düing, one of the Senior Partners at Frog Capital.

For more than 10 years we have developed a solid understanding of the common challenges that scale-up companies face. With our group of operating partners, who have learnt from years of experience, we have created the Scale-Up Methodology, which brings together insights and tools to help improve companies’ probability of success of reaching sustainable profitability. Each podcast looks at a different challenge that all companies will face on their way to scale.

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Jens Düing


Jens Düing

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