
Marketplace lunch up at Frog Capital


Scale-Up Investors

Marketplace lunch up at Frog Capital

By Mike Reid

Last Thursday, we had a selection of the Europe’s best upandcoming marketplace operators over for lunch. We were joined by Serge Karaoglan, Melissa Morris from NetworkLocum, Tim Parsons from RatedPeople, David Lee from Stratajet, Joe Gallard from CarWow, Natalie Bruls from Kohlberg Kravis Roberts,  and Luca Pagano from Bemyeye.


Here are five themes of the discussion;

Brand; do you want to focus on being a lean and efficient lead processor or a broader brand? What unforeseen commitments are involved in driving a broader brand promise? Be clear about your Brand promise and invest in it properly.

Pricing; who owns pricing in your organisation? Is pricing getting the attention it needs? Are there additional opportunities to price by time sensitivity, sub sub vertical or other angles? As you build data and insight, pricing is a big opportunity.

Free workflow software; is there an opportunity to increase engagement by offering free software on either side of the market? It sounds great, but how big a commitment is this? Don’t underestimate both the upside but also the investment required.

Gamification; can gamification play a part in driving engagement? UI is critical, and innovative payments and engagement models help can drive key metrics.

Quality Assurance; how do you keep ensuring that supplier quality continues to improve, and becomes a key differentiator? Sustaining high quality players (and getting rid of low quality ones) in your market is not optional.

Great discussion.